Breaking through the bottleneck of warehousing logistics: automatic loading and unloading system

  • Time: 2023-08-31 08:36:04
  • Author: rob
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With the rapid development of e-commerce and supply chain, the demand for enterprises to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and strengthen security is increasing. Traditional manual loading and unloading work faces problems such as shortage of human resources and high labor intensity, therefore the market urgently needs an automated and intelligent solution. Autonomous loading and unloading robots are becoming an innovative solution for the logistics and warehousing industry in response to demand.



In 2022, the total social logistics cost in China will reach 17.8 trillion yuan, with an estimated handling and loading cost of about 1.5 trillion yuan! 

Traditional manual loading and unloading has problems such as poor working environment and low safety. But with the continuous progress of technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and machine vision, the performance and ability of automatic loading and unloading robots will continue to improve. Higher precision, more efficient speed, and greater adaptability will become development trends and have begun to be widely applied in the fields of logistics and warehousing. They can perceive the environment through sensors and visual systems, achieve automatic loading and unloading operations of goods, and greatly improve loading and unloading efficiency. Not only in large warehouses and logistics centers, automatic loading and unloading robots have gradually found applications in industries such as retail, manufacturing, and pharmaceuticals.


Due to such a huge market demand, some domestic and foreign enterprises have begun to make continuous efforts in the solution of automatic loading and unloading vehicles. The automatic loading and unloading equipment they have launched each has its own advantages and has begun to be tested in the market. However, due to the complexity of the platform environment, the diversity of cargo packaging specifications, technological maturity and efficiency requirements, there has yet to be a highly universal and truly batch replicated automatic loading and unloading equipment.


Shenzhen Robohorn Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. emerged in this context, founded in 2021. Since its establishment, the company has been committed to the continuous research and innovation of intelligent loading and unloading robots, unmanned loading and unloading equipment, industrial visual positioning software and hardware systems, and other products. It is committed to thoroughly solving the last 20 meters of logistics automation from warehousing to transportation tools! After two years of continuous exploration, Robohorn has officially launched a fully automatic unloading machine and is about to launch a fully automatic loading machine. These two products are another innovative and intelligent breakthrough in the field of unmanned loading and unloading.


The Robohorn intelligent unloading robot is mainly developed for single piece goods such as cardboard boxes or bags, consisting of an omnidirectional motion platform, an intelligent vision system, and a large robotic arm. Can achieve automatic navigation from the dock to the interior of the container, adapt to complex road conditions and changing carriage positions; It can intelligently recognize boxes of different specifications, boxes with complex surface patterns, boxes with reflective tape, etc., without the need for any pre programming; Cooperating with a robotic arm to flexibly grasp and transfer goods, it is suitable for a maximum box weight of 70kg; And this intelligent device works in the existing warehouse space, with strong flexibility, no need to invest in expensive fixed infrastructure, and is easy to integrate. The device has obtained multiple national patent authorizations and is a breakthrough technology product in the industry.


Overall, the development of automatic loading and unloading systems in China has just begun, and more and more industries require automatic loading and unloading systems. The demand for automatic unloading technology is growing more prominent, and it requires a lot of time and continuous exploration, as well as a large amount of research and development investment and technological accumulation. However, with the development of machine vision, artificial intelligence and other technologies, complex technical problems will continue to break through, and the future prospects of automatic loading and unloading systems will be bright. Shenzhen Robohorn Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. will adhere to the spirit of "the road ahead is long, and I will search up and down", continue to deeply cultivate the automatic loading and unloading industry, constantly move forward, and constantly innovate!

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